Renaming Question


Bronze Level Poster
In the past I've renamed my computers in System Properties with names such as Jeeves and Wooster, the former being ever dependable and the latter a bit screwed up and absent-minded. :)

I decided to rename my new system "Holmes" as it's highly intelligent compared to my previous ones.

However this cause it to slow down with "System Interrupts" hogging the CPU at 100%. Task Manager took a couple of minutes to load.

Fortunately I had the old name to hand so I change it back and it's running fine.

I was just wondering if anyone knew any reason why this would happen. I'm not connected to a network apart from the internet through a wireless connection.
Never happened before.


The BSOD Doctor
I've never heard of that happening before either, I assume you did a reboot after the rename?

I would try running an 'sfc /scannow' (without the quotes of course) and see whether that finds any errors. Even if it doesn't I would also run a 'dism /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth' (without quotes again) and see whether that reports errors.

If either the sfc or the dism commands above report errors then run a 'dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth' (without quotes) command and then reboot.


Rising Star
I've also never heard of such symptoms after computer name change. Only thing I can think of is maybe you had shares mapped by computer name? So when you change the name they couldn't resolve and that could cause the File Explorer to slow down. Dunno.. I'm guessing here.

Do you have any services running on this PC, like SQL, Web Server, etc ??


Bronze Level Poster
Only had it a couple of weeks and got games, office, Avast and Malwarebytes installed. Nothing's mapped to anywhere. I haven't got round to sharing folders with my laptop yet.

It was very odd. Glad I was able to solve it. It's just a little something I like to do, no biggie.


The BSOD Doctor
I appreciate that changing the name back satisfied your needs but someone else with a similar problem looking on here for help would be hoping for something more concrete. That's why we're seeking more information from you and it's why we're trying to get to the bottom of your issue. And also because we're naturally curious and we want to know why... :)


Bronze Level Poster
Unfortunately I can't provide anything else. Wish I could. Glad I took a note of the name before I changed it. Don't know why I did. Maybe a premonition :)