Reboot Restore


Hey all

For those of you who don't like system restore like myself because, well... Its rubbish. Check out a program called Reboot Restore Rx.

You simply install it, pick your system drive and you are done. It Will take a baseline copy of your system drive and every single time the pc is restarted regardless of what is done on the computer it will load that baseline. So it will be just like the computer was never started up that day.

If you update software or drivers or the likes and everything is working perfectly and you don't want it to restore to the original baseline you created on installation then all it takes is to right click the icon in the taskbar and click Disable, click ok then right click taskbar icon again and click enable. It takes approx one minute to complete. Each time you disable/enable it, it updates the baseline to include anything you have done that you want to keep.

Its only drawback imo is, sometimes you do forget to update the baseline (disable/enable) and end up reinstalling software/drivers you have just updated, but personally thats a tiny price to pay for such reliable restore software.

You can download it (Freeware) Directly from Here
Or can go to the main site and download it from there. Reboot Restore RX