Quick question on new desktop


Hi there,

I just got my deaktop and looking forward to using it. However I've noticed that included with the packaging is a motherboard dvd. Do i need to run this? If so I'll need to but an external dvd reader as i didn't include one as part of my build. Or is the dvd for back up only?



The BSOD Doctor
If you ordered Windows with the PC all the drivers on that DVD will have been installed. In any case, by the time you ever need to reinstall Windows those drivers will likely be out of date.

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If you ordered Windows with the PC all the drivers on that DVD will have been installed. In any case, by the time you ever need to reinstall Windows those drivers will likely be out of date.

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Ok thanks - yes I ordered it with Windows. Does that include the soundcard? I bought a Creative Audigy soundcard and reading the leaflet that comes with it it says to install drivers using the CD ROM. I assume I don't need to do this?

Thank you.


Multiverse Poster
PCS should have already installed them.

The leaflet is probably general literature that comes with the soundcard as if you had bought it separately in a shop - and so assumes you already have the rest of the PC and are installing the sound card. In which case you'd obviously need to install the drivers :) But anything you bought the PC with should already have the drivers installed by PCS.

If you ever need drivers for anything - e.g. you delete your Windows installation and do a clean Windows install - you should use drivers downloaded directly from the manufactuters' websites, and not the CDs that came with the PC. That said, Windows Update does an extremely good job of finding the right drivers for hardware - a much better job than any 'driver updater' or 'booster' software, which you should avoid like the plague!

I also wouldn't spend too much time worrying about drivers.

PCS should have installed anything you need. Windows update usually finds drivers where you don't have them.

If it's a gaming PC you'll want to periodically update the graphics card drivers to fix issues with running games, but in general you can and should leave the drivers alone. There's often no real benefit to you to updating drivers for the sake of updating drivers.