MSFS - Installation Size (Heads up)


Behold The Ford Mondeo
I was doing a little clean up operation and noticed that my primary drive was getting far more full than I expected. I went to the usual suspects, Recycle Bin, Old Installation Files, etc..... but I was still sitting with over 300GB used.

Eventually I whittled it down to the AppData/Roaming/MSFS folder, which was 220GB. I just thought this was my MSFS install itself and didn't really think too much of it. I decided I would move the MSFS installation to my Game drive. Unfortunately, it only had 100GB worth of space so I went to start cleaning up this drive as well. Low and behold, I hit into the Steam game folder and there was MSFS...... again. This install size was over 230GB.

Immediately I thought there was some sort of mixup or something. Everywhere I searched suggested an install size between 170-200GB depending on version. I decided just to wipe out the AppData folder and see what it said on next run. It told me that there were updates required to the tune of 150GB and asked where I wanted these "packages" to be installed. I pointed it towards my game installation on the game drive and have left it to it.

It's currently sitting at 350GB and rising as the updates/addons are downloaded.

Now, keep in mind I've not spent any money on this other than the Premium base game. Everything I've installed are free optional updates and world packs/planes.

I made a thread on the flightsim page asking the question as every other thread, as I said, mentioned much smaller install sizes. The first person to reply has an install size of 350GB so it seems that this may well be the norm for this game.

So, something to keep in mind. If you don't plan on micromanaging the content I think you need to have 500GB set aside for the game, updates and rolling cache,


Behold The Ford Mondeo
I've got a 2TB games drive ready to go (2TB 530 Firecuda).

This, of course, was before I realised that MSFS took up half a terabyte though. Still.... that should be plenty. I'm not a gamer after all :ROFLMAO:


Prolific Poster
its crazy how much space you need for modern gaming,

unless your @ActuallyDenz and have infinite power in the matrix

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