hidden partition?


This is probably a very stupid question, but I recently recieved my laptop from pcspecialist and I'm very happy with it, however one thing is puzzling me....

I ordered the laptop with a 300GB/200GB partition.

If I go into Start > Computer, it says...

Hard Disk Drives (1)
Local Disk (C:)
270 GB of 292 GB free

I thought it would also the second (200 GB) HD partition here?

Is the partition hidden or something, or do I access it some other way?

Sorry for my lack of computer knowledge! Any help is much appreciated!





This is probably a very stupid question, but I recently recieved my laptop from pcspecialist and I'm very happy with it, however one thing is puzzling me....

I ordered the laptop with a 300GB/200GB partition.

If I go into Start > Computer, it says...

Hard Disk Drives (1)
Local Disk (C:)
270 GB of 292 GB free

I thought it would also the second (200 GB) HD partition here?

Is the partition hidden or something, or do I access it some other way?

Sorry for my lack of computer knowledge! Any help is much appreciated!



No it wouldn't show the partition here. Windows is installed on this partitition therefore the remaining space on it is all that it sees. If you want to make use of the extra 200GB install a new OS on it or resize the Windows partition to encompass the entire drive.

If you want to see the partitions you've got. Open the start menu type in disk management and click the "Create and format hard disk partitions."


Hello deadletter,
This is very straightforward to sort. The partiton of 200gb just needs to be activated in disk management.
Type 'disk management' in the search bar and select the first option in the list.
This will bring up the disk managment console. Here you will see a pictorial representation of your discs. Your 200gb partition will be unallocated. Right click this partition and select 'create new simple volume'. A wizard will start and take it from here. Let us know how you get on.
Thank you both for the advice!

Maestro, I followed your instructions and now in 'Computer' the other drive is listed as New Volume (E:)
172 GB Free of 172 GB

I notice it doesn't have the Windows symbol over the HD icon like the C Drive does...
I guess as you say Riley, here I would install Windows if I wanted?

The plan was to keep this 2nd partition for Samples, VST plug-ins etc for my music work.
Do you know if I need to have an OS on this drive if I use it for this purpose?

Thanks again!



No you dont, this is an empty dirve where you can store your data etc. You only need 1 installation of windows no matter how many drives you have in your pc.
You have formatted it so it now shows as E: drive, so you can pick and choose what you put on it.

No you dont, this is an empty dirve where you can store your data etc. You only need 1 installation of windows no matter how many drives you have in your pc.
You have formatted it so it now shows as E: drive, so you can pick and choose what you put on it.

Excellent! I'm good to go now! :)


Thank you both for the advice!

Maestro, I followed your instructions and now in 'Computer' the other drive is listed as New Volume (E:)
172 GB Free of 172 GB

I notice it doesn't have the Windows symbol over the HD icon like the C Drive does...
I guess as you say Riley, here I would install Windows if I wanted?

The plan was to keep this 2nd partition for Samples, VST plug-ins etc for my music work.
Do you know if I need to have an OS on this drive if I use it for this purpose?

Thanks again!


As Maestro says you only need 1 copy of Windows installed. I figured the 2nd partition was for Linux or something :)