HDMI problems - AMD 6870 and BenQ V220H monitor


Hi all,

I am back again after 2/3 months with a problem hopefully someone can help with.

I have a BenQ V220H monitor which supports HDMI input. However when I connect my AMD 6870 and set it to 1920 X 1080 output (which is apparently the recommended setting) the picture I get on the screen is cropped. I get a 1 inch black border all around the screen, any ideas what I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance


Rising Star
Sounds like the monitor's settings.

Try changing the Mode setting on your monitor (It's in the Picture/Advanced menu of your monitor). "Full" is probably the best option. You may also find that changing the basic modes make a difference - use the left arrow key on the monitor as it's a pre-programmed shortcut.


Member Resting in Peace
If that doesn't workg go to scaling options in catalyst control centre & adjust the edges of your monitor,depending on version,not always easy to find.


Thanks pengipete and vanthus, I had to do a bit of both. Needed to change Overscan to ON (in Picture/Advanced menu) and adjust the scaling. This forum truly has extremelly knowledgeable posters.


Member Resting in Peace
you need to enable GPU scaling for certain monitors to work with HDMI,
The fact is some monitors dont see HDMI the same as DVI,without enabling the scaling, for whatever reason,(contrary to all the theory)as I tried to explain on a previous thread,anyway glad you got it sorted.