GTX 1650 port priority HELP!!!

So my PC has arrived and I'm putting it in to use, but Im getting confused where to put my monitors / projector

I need my main control monitor to be Number1 but no matter which port i use it always comes up as Display 2. I also have a secondary monitor and a projector which need to be display 2 and 3 (really doesnt matter what order).

I know I can arrange the monitors and projectors in Windows and the Nvidia Control Panel but I NEED to find how to make sure my main control monitor is Display 1. But I cant work out how.

Anyone able to help me please???
Can't you just select the monitor in question in display settings and tick "Make this my main display" ?

Yeah, sort of.
That's what I did but when booting up it gets a bit lost and boots up on the wrong display. Once windows is loaded, everything appears to be how I want it, I just hoped to keep everything on the main control monitor, not on the projection screen.

I thought this would be to do with HDMI, DISPLAYPORT & DVI having a priority order and so I wanted to plug my main monitor into the top priority port, but it seems no matter what port I use, it's always #2.


Multiverse Poster
Yes, that's because this setting only works from Windows.

How often do you need to poke around in the BIOS? If the answer is not very often, then you won't need to control anything until Windows loads anyway.

If your system is a desktop you might be able to fiddle with BIOS settings, or if it's a desktop with an CPU that has its own integrated graphics, run certain devices off that until you get the desired result. There are all sorts of potential "solutions" online.

But tbh, if it doesn't actually cause a problem, it may be something best left alone...