Fractal Design R4

Bivan Bavan

New member
Just ordered a new pc with the R4 case, for quietness and quality. However I have seen on the Fractal website that they do a version with a side window, they also sell the windowed panel separately. If the windowed panel does not effect the acoustic properties of the case I think it would be a very welcome addition to your case range. Anyone have experience of using the R4 windowed case and the acoustic properties ?


Life Serving
I have had windows on both of my cases. I have to admit, that I don't notice any increased noise. But only the joy of staring into my case for hours on end....


Author Level
My 500r had a huge mesh grill on the side of it that had a 200mm fan bolted onto it. If anything, modding the case to have a window has quietened it down!

Well, until i stuffed the inside with more fans lol