Termina Bue Screen Of Death...


New member
Please help...

I have a P755MD-M Evo brand new from PCS, only about 5 months old. I havent got the full specs as I cant get into it anymore.

I kept getting the blue screen of death (bsod) when I shut it down. Id do the defrag thing and an error check on the C and it woud die down for a bit then start up again.

Now Im completely buggered. When it starts up I get a preparing to configure windows message then bsod and a message that says Multipe-IRP-complete-requests and it restarts. If I try to start in safe mode (my old handy save all) it now loads up the drivers but jams on the last one CLASSPNP.SYS and eventuay restarts to the above again...

Ive tried booting from disc but I get exactly the same as above.

Anyone got any clues. Im now going to trawl through these posts for help...

V annoyed....


Author Level
Hi and welcome.

Sorry to hear your having trouble.

On first glance it sounds like a hard drive going / gone bad.

I would suggest giving our call centre a shout tomorrow so they can diagnose it properly and get a fix sorted out for you.


Resident Metalhead
Staff member
Have you managed to get the error code off the bluescreen? Should appear as 0x000000xx (xx is where the code will be).


Super Star
owch sorry to hear that buddy! i know first hand how frustrating it is when something like this happens!
