Looking for a wireless hard disk



I'm looking for a wireless hard disk, about 1TB which I can connect to a power socket. Don't want to be recharging the wireless HDD all the time, so must be able to leave it connected to the mains power.

Must have a on/off button.

I want to store music/photos/other files on the HDD. And use my laptop to access my files.




Superhero Level Poster
What about a proper NAS system? Might be a bit more expensive but if your leaving it plugged in all the time you can keep it basically forever and use it as a place to back/store everything you ever need.

They just take regular HDD's, can be setup to run in RAID to protect against drive failures, you get fireproof ones etc but the main advantage is you can just whip out the 1TB and upgrade it to a couple of 2TB in a few years time if needed