Search results

  1. JohnnyTwoHats

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST What is causing this graphics glitch?

    I've experienced a few common graphics glitches with PlanetSide 2, but this one is new. Previously the glitch only seemed to affect half of my screen (both left and right hand sides at different times), but has now affected my entire screen (as shown in the attached youtube clip). It happens...
  2. JohnnyTwoHats

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Problem with Power Options - Display will not turn off and PC will not go to sleep

    Although any changes I made to Power Options were previously fine, the display will now not turn off at all, and the PC will not go to sleep (based on any Power Options that I set). I can still turn the PC off via Shutdown, but I often run uploads while I sleep, which only take a few hours. Each...
  3. JohnnyTwoHats

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Movie Rendering Freezes and Failures

    I've started to pull together gaming clips into short movies with music. I'm currently using Windows Movie Maker, but have just tried using Sony Movie Studio Platinum. However, I experience repeated rendering failures with both. Windows Movie Maker is mostly successful when rendering smaller...
  4. JohnnyTwoHats

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Picture distortion in SLI - looking for fix

    Hi I'm running 2 GTX 680's in SLI on the spec listed below, using the SLI bridge provided with the motherboard (which seems a little tightly pulled between the two graphics cards). I am currently using the 310.70 beta driver. With SLI turned off, I get no picture distortion. However, with SLI...
  5. JohnnyTwoHats

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Need a fix for unexplained desktop ghosting

    Hi I've had my system for a few days (Fri 7th Dec), but can't seem to shake unexplained desktop ghosting, and am desperate for a fix. The video below (sorry for the quality) was taken immediately after a clean Windows installation prior to the installation of any drivers, software, or...
  6. JohnnyTwoHats

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Best alternative to Dell PC Check Up / AlienAutopsy?

    Hi Although my experience of both Dell and Alienware has been fairly brutal, I really liked their PC check up tools. I'm guessing that these tools won't work on my new PC Specialist system, and was wondering if someone could recommend a good alternative to check the health of my components...