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  1. SillyDrizzle

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Service to rant about!

    I understand this forum isnt a top priority for the PC specialist employees but I just wanted to say thanks for the unbelieveable service, ordered a PC at the end of January and I expected to recieve it super fast but had no idea about shortages for every GPU under the sun and I was impatient...
  2. SillyDrizzle

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Downgrading but keeping high performance for future purchase of 30 series card

    Hi all. I'm kind of at a point where I need the PC and can't wait until march/april for stock to finally get into PCS. I have amended the order twice after reading some of the suggestions I've had on here and elsewhere from friends, I'm looking to take the 3060ti off and spend the budget...
  3. SillyDrizzle


    Hi all! I just wanted to post my specs and see if anyone had any changes or suggestions. I'm aware of the hdd and ssd I have and how that may slow it a bit but I am fine with that, really more interested on the case and whether it will cook everything inside it so case suggestions are ideal...