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  1. P

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Mux ionico 15 Oculus Quest 2

    Guys I run my OC2 off the USB C which I understand is direct from the graphics card so mux is I believe not relevant? However the main screen displays my OQ2 output. Am I taking a performance hit from my igpu?
  2. P

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Editing/Gaming Laptop (Check this spec - IONICO)

    I have a similar ionico (but 15"). i7, 3070, 32Gb Ram, Ssd's Seems a pretty good laptop to me. Very pleased with it.
  3. P


    I'd like an EH101 (actually EHI01 but nobody calls it that). Worked on those 25 years ago in my first job at Westlands.
  4. P

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Can I connect a Valve Index to the USB C on an IONICO 17"?

    I could connect my usb C oculus quest to my ionico 15 for what it's worth. Although I just use airlink now.
  5. P

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Cpu is overheating almost always.

    I am not sure whether the optimus is tongfang or clevo? My tongfang (Ionico) has a Control Centre. This is not part of windows but a system created by the laptop supplier. I know you can also play with the PL values with a programme called throttlestop, however I defer to others with more...
  6. P

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Cpu is overheating almost always.

    Have you inadvertently set the cpu power level too high in the control centre? I set my gaming profile similar to turbo profile (120w?+) and was mid/high 90 degrees. I then backed it down to either 30,35 or 40w and temps now in the 80s for MSFS20 in VR (though game on system). Turbo is for short...
  7. P


    Often feels more like Microsoft Settings Simulator... it can go from awesome to rubbish one day to the next without any updates. It's probably because we need to all fly off MS servers due to the petabytes (is that right) of Bing earth photo data? First game in my life where I keep an excel...
  8. P


    Yep. No current VR headset will look like ultra on a 4k monitor (maybe not even 1080?). However the sense of immersion is wonderful. With MSFS. Turn off your FPS counter, turn visuals to low and work back up until you have an acceptable level of smoothness vs visual fidelity.
  9. P


    By that logic everyone with any realistic home PC should stop playing MSFS20. I seriously doubt anybody is getting 80hz plus. There are extensive forums of people playing. Smooth motion is the key. Admittedly this may not always be possible for trees and buildings looking out at 90 deg at 100ft...
  10. P


    I have an oculus quest 2. It is awesome and cheap (£299). They have stopped selling rifts as a result. Works amazing as a stand alone based on a mobile phone processor not a i9/3090. For PC VR I have read about people playing MSFS20 (most demanding game on VR) on a 1080. Clearly on low settings...
  11. P


    I had silly high temps (95degC +) with essentially turbo mode selected in games so CPU had access to over 100W. As a console gamer I had not realised it was a pretty pointless show off profile that was not sustainable. I now run either 30W, 35W or 40W in control centre. MSFS20 in VR is CPU 80-89...
  12. P

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST My 15,6" Ionico review

    I have an ionico 15. It is quiet when idling, cpu sits around 40-50degC. sometimes the fan spins up a bit when left in game mode but seems to stay quiet in office mode, not sure if temps are lower as I rarely ever leave it in office mode / igpu. Obviously noisier when gaming.
  13. P

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Looks vs. air flow, Ionico vs. Valeon

    Seeing the VR comment, my Ionico 15, i7, 3070, 32gb, ssd is great for VR. Struggles a bit with MSFS on med/high (Oc Quest 2) with CPU & GPU 75-85degC but sounds like everything struggles with msfs!
  14. P

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Thermal Performance and Battery Upgradeability in the IONICO 15.6???

    Forgot to mention mines also sat on a cooling pad which probably knocks a couple degrees off.
  15. P

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Thermal Performance and Battery Upgradeability in the IONICO 15.6???

    Cant help much but PCS dont offer another battery option so I assume you are stuck unless you want to void your warranty. Certainly lasts more than 2 hours but I was in game mode with dGPU. Expect more in office mode. Running MSFS20 VR (pretty demanding) I get CPU 75-85degC and GPU 70-85degC...
  16. P

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST How's your new Ionico 17 laptop doing?

    I emailed PCS last week and they have just advised they will not allow me to upgrade my warranty from Silver to Gold. I have not called them to challenge yet. Thought I would share. If in doubt, best to select your warranty before build starts.
  17. P


    I get ultra settings (Render 100) on the 1440p screen. I have not tried 4K but would perhaps have to dial in back a bit? I get med/high setting with a few ultras (clouds!) on the oculus quest 2. You can set settings to 200 and ultra but I am not sure if even 3090 desktops can do that with >30fps...
  18. P


    I did not expect the ryzen 9 ionico so quickly... I might have waited a month longer! Love my i7 version though. As it's mainly for MSFS20 I am not sure if it makes too much of a difference to me?
  19. P

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Ionico CPU 90deg, usage 45%?

    Thanks. Playing MSFS20 VR earlier. Both CPU and GPU at 85degC. Laptop back raised. Flying out of london city airport at dawn was a scary moment as I had raised clouds to ultra. The sunrise was spectacular! 25-30fps (v.low but ok in msfs). Note I do have low altitude micro stutters but cannot...
  20. P

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Ionico CPU 90deg, usage 45%?

    I launched TS again. The undervolting has reset to zero. However the PL1,2,4 numbers are the same as I last showed (new pic attached) where we thought I had made an error. When I did my early changes I took photos of screens before changing values so I could reset. I did not take any of that...